
What are the contents of test plan?

Quality Assurance Test Plan (QATP) is an evolving document which will guide you what to do and when to do. The Test Plan depend on your test strategy for the project and model you are using such as Waterfall, Agile, etc.

QATP will consist of the following but not restricted to and available for all your QA Team members and any external / internal stakeholders to understand your test approach.

1. Product Overview
Briefly explain the product that you are considering for the testing.

2. Scope Of Testing
• Functional Requirements
• Non-Functional Requirements
• Out of Scope

3. Assumptions, Dependencies & Risk

4. Testing Approach ( Important section of your QATP)
• Here you will explain what sort of approach you are considering based on the product risk and if it is Agile then for each sprint what are the functionalities you are considering and how are you going to go about it.
• The different type of testing that you are considering and its entry and exit criteria’s (Smoke, Regression, etc)

5. Acceptance Criteria / Quality Gate
This is your exit criteria with your customer. Be careful when you define this
• 0 Critical & Showstopper
• 0 High Defects
• Less than 5 medium defects, etc
• 100% Test coverage

6. Test Environment
Software / Hardware requirement, Tools required, Any diagram for test environment if applicable, etc

7. Test Management
• Test Design, Execution and Reporting you briefly touch upon as to how you going to manage
• Test Metrics – Measurements to indicate your quality such as Defect density, defect severity index, etc
• Defect management

8. Any other details you think required for your audience

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